blauwehydrangeamacrophyllawolk item10a
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Aldrik Heirman - Landscape architect with hardy plant nursery with wide range herbaceous perennials - Nazareth - Belgium

Algera -Belgian hardy plant nursery specialised in hardy geraniums - catalogue on line- Hombeek -Belgium

Alma Horta -Belgian nursery with met special herbaceous perrenials , trollius, echinacea, rodgersia -RHS collection - Duffel

Ardo Plant - Belgian nursey with general perrennial range of plants - Ardooie - Belgium

Belleplant Groencentrum - Belgian nursery with lots of perrennials - Maldegem -Belgium

Bioflora Plantencentrum - Hardy plant nursery with lots of borderplants - Nevele Poesele - Belgium

Bogaerts Jo vaste planten kwekerij -Belgian nursery wholesale and private sale , very large range of perennials - catalogue online - Kampenhout- Belgium

Bottcher Clematiskwekerij -specialised nursery with hundreds of clematis species in their range -catalogue online- Anzegem-Belgium

Bruckeveld Vaste Planten -whole sale and private sale hardyplant nursery large range > 2000 species- catalogue online- Merchtem

Calleplant CV nursery wholesale ande private sale - lot's of hardyplants in their range - catalogue online- Wetteren -Belgium

Calle Steven- nursery wholesale ande private sale - hardyplants in their range - catalogue online - Wetteren -Belgium

Canteira bvba -specialist nursery in helleborus- Lochristi - Belgium - tel. 0032 472 472 524

Cathy Portier alpenplantenkwekerij -Nursery with a large range of alpineplants , hardy plants, rockplants, perennials - catalogue online - Brugge- Belgium

Cor Zwaan CZ Benelux - Nursery with lavendula and scented geraniums ,tradescantia - Sint Katelijne Waver - Belgium

Costermans Gaston -Belgian hardy plants nursery in Schilde (Near Antwerp ) -Belgium

Crea Flora -nusery with rare and special perennials (many Eechinacea's : 'hot Papaya'- Echinacea purpurea ' Meringue' - Echinacea purpurea ' Milkshake' , hosta ' Dreamweaver, Monarda Petite Delight , agastache ' Cotton Dandy, agastache hybide ' Kolibri' ) catalogue with pictures online - Henis Tongeren - Belgium

Davy Vanacker - nusery with a nice range of special herbaceous perennials - catalogue online - Ingelmunster- Belgium

De Bock Boomkwekerij -Belgian nusery with a large range of herbaceous perennials, wholesale and private sale- catalogue online - Oudenaarde- Belgium

De Bruyn bvba -Belgian Nursery wholesale and private sale - trees, shrubs, hardyplants - herbaceous perrennials > 500 species in range. - catalogus online - Begijnendijk (Belgium )

De Four Henk -nursery with general range hardyplants - Roeselare (Belgium )

De Moor L & Zonen -Belgian General nursery (wholesale and private sale ) with also hardy plants in their range - catalogus online - Oosterzele (Belgium )

De Muynck Bloemen - Hardy plant nursery with special rare perennials - Ichtegem - Belgium

De Nuwelaere Plantenkwekerij - Belgian Nursery - Whole sale and private sale : Hardy plant nursery with special rare perennials - Langemark - Belgium

De Swaef Meersman -Whole sale and private sale : Hardy plant nursery with large range of perennials- very nice catalogue with good description online - Lennik - Belgium

Ecoflora - Nursery specialised in 'wild' herbaceous perennials , hardyplants - list online - Halle - Belgium

Epimedium - Small charming nursery in the vicinity of Bruges with rare and special perennials (large range of epimedium cultivars) - catalogue online - Oostkamp ( Belgium - near Bruges )

Fourniergardencenter- general nursery with hardy plants specialty : carnivorous plants - Menen ( Belgium )

Fougeraie, Nursery with large range of shadow plants, perrenials and ferns - catalogue online - Stave (Belgium )

Fuchia's De Nachtwaker -Nursery with thousands of Fuchsia and Passiflora , catalogue online - Moorslede (Belgium )

Gabriel Fréderic- Nursery with large range of hardy plants - catalogue online -Malmédy (Belgium - near German border )

Govaerts hosta nursery -Hardy plant nursery with special hosta's large range of cultivars - catalogue online - Bornem - Belgium

Greenhouse Nurseries, Nice hardyplant nursery wholesale and retail ,with lots of borderplants, herbaceous perrennials and exotic plants and shrubs- catalogue online - Bruges.- Belgium

Greet & Chris, Small Nursery with rare and special hardy plants, alpine plants and Hebe - Ardooie - Belgium

Groencenter Argos, Nursery with lots of Fuchsia and other plants - De Haan (Belgian Coast Side )

Groencentrum Brugge , Green center , nursery with many herbaceous perrennials, climbingplants , Clematis - Bruges ( Belgium)

Groenstraat 13, Hardy plant nursery with lots of special and new varieties , specialised in grasses, catalogue online - Nazareth

Happy Garden, Nursery specialised in Hemerocallis, Paeonia , Papavers, Irissen ,Hosta - catalogue online - Deinze

Heucheradream, Hardy plant nursery with very large range Heuchera's - catalogue online - Asper

Het Wilgenbroek, Belgian Nursery wholesale and retail with large range Helleborus, perrennials, grasses and ferns catalogue online - Oostkamp (near Bruges)

Hodister Guy, Nusery specialised in Semper Vivum- Borsbeek - Belgium

Hostafolie, nursery specialised in Hosta species - catalogue online - Ardooie - Belgium

Hostas & Zo, Hardy plant nursery specialised in Hosta's en Heuchera's -large range- catalogue online- webshop - Pellenberg- Belgium

Hugo Maes vaste planten, Belgian Hardy plant nursery - wholesale and private sale with large rang of perrennials > 1500 species , grasses, ferns,. catalogue online - Desselgem - Belgium

Hurtekant -Hardyplant wholesale and private sale -peonies and treepeonies - catalogue online- Wingene - Belgium

Jan Spruyt - Van der Jeugd, Belgian Hardy plants nursery with very large and special range -wholesale and retail- specialised in prairie plants and ornamental grasses- catalogue online - Buggenhout - Belgium

Jardinerie des corettes - Plant nursery with a general range of perrennials - Bertrix

Keustermans Luc : Small nursery specialised in Lapageria, exotic species - Merksplas

Koen Van Poucke - Hardy plant nursery with speciality in Helleborus, Peony, shadow plants and Epimedium catalogue online - Sint - Niklaas - Belgium

L'ortie culture Hardy plants nursery specialised in Peonies, Hemerocallis and grasses - catalogue online - Stave - Belgium

Les Semailles- biodynamic seeds and small plants - cataloguse and webshop online - Faulx -Les - Tombes - Belgique

Les Trois Jardins - hardyplant nursery with special collections -Kampenhout - Belgium

Mandragora kwekerij , hardyplant nursery with rare species, botanical specialties - Holsbeek

Marechal tuincentrum, nursery with range of perrennials and patio plants - Turnhout

Martine De Smedt, Specialised hardy plant nursery with Helleborus, Cyclamen - Wilrijk

Meers Vaste plantenkwekerij, Belgian Nursery with perrenials for the shadow, borderplants, alpine plants , roc plants catalogue online - Bilzen

Mortier Gebroeders, Nursery with perrenials - wholesale and private sale - (hardy plants, and shrubs Lavatera, Lonicera -) Wetteren

Pelckmans - Nursery with more than > 1200 species of hardy plants deciduous and evergreen plants (Epimedium, Geraniums) - Lommel

Pelsemaker Geert , specialised Lavendula nursery - Laarne- Belgium

Pépinière Bruno Parterre, Nursery with lots of perrenials who go together with roses - Haccourt - Belgique

Pépinière de la Thyle - Nursery with Hemerocallis, Helleborus e.a ( also large range of Hydrangea ) - Faux- Belgium

Pépinière de Louveigne, Nusery with general range of perrennials e.a catalogue online - Louveigné- Belgium

Pépinière Filroses, Nursery with hardy plants , perrennials who go very well together with old English Roses , catalogue online

Pépinière JP Gérard, Nursery with hardy plants >175 species in container- catalogue online ( Pdf) Frasnez Les Couvin

Pépinière Godefroid, Nursery with hardy plants (climbing plants, Aster, Achillea, Astilbe, Campanula....)also much roses and schrubs - catalogue online - Francorchamps

Pépinière Hamblenne, Nice offer of hardyplants and also fruit trees and shrubs e.a - catalogue online - Gelbressée

Pépinière Hortibocq, Nursery with, Asters and ornamental grasses , Purnode

Pépinière La Gaume-Nursery with hardy plants, aquatic plants and aromatic plants - catalogue online - webshop

Pépinière La Roseraie, Nursery with hardy plants / perrennials and large range of roses & mediteranean plants - Roselies - Belgium

Pépinière Philippe Briel, Perrenial Plants nursery with more than 700 rare and frost resistent species, catalogue online - Saint Médard

Pol Detienne ( Fish-house ) , Nursery with Hemerocallis (daylilys ) and Hosta - aquatic plants , catalogue online - Tarcienne

Plantshop, Belgian Hardy plant nursery - wholesale and private sale with speciality Clematis (alpina, marcopetale, montana, texensis, viticella, evergreen,herbaceous) - Large offer - catalogue online - webshop - Tielt Winge

Robeet Boomkwekerij / pépinière -Nusery with hardyplants in container, trees, conipheres and shrubs - Vossem/ Tervuren (near Bruxelles)

Sanguisorba, Nursery specialised in rare and forgotten edible plants - catalogue online - Ranst

Schokert horticulture, nursery with herbaceous perrennials and patio plants - Arlon

Sterken Jan - nursery with perrenials and Hosta , fruit trees old species -catalogue online - Blankenberge

Tijtgat Eddy, small hardy plant nursery -with rare species and roc plants - Wingene

Van Bockstal Robert, Nursery with herbaceous perrennials - Lochristi

Van de Steen Guido, Nursery with herbaceous perrennials - wholesale and private sale large range > 3000 species , every Year > 100 new varieteis -catalogue online- Massemen ( Wetteren )

Vanderhulst C boomkwekerij, Nursery with hardy plants , climbing plants, shrubs , trees, - Sint Pieters Leeuw - Belgium

Van Pelt, Belgian nursery wholesale and private sale , rocplants, borderplants, trees, shrubs - catalogue online - Putte

Van Wezemael-Nursery specialised in Fuchsia - Schaffen - Diest ( Belgium )

Agapanthusnursery Maurice Vergote & Co - Nusery of Plantsman Maurice Vergote, Helleborus and Agapanthus, showgardens near Bruges (also Bed & Breakfast) - Oostkamp ( 4km away from Bruges )

Vaste Planten Peter Herman - Nursery with Helleborus, Geranium and other perrennials -catalogue online- Sint Pieters Leeuw

Verswijver Gilbert -Nursery specialised in: Peonies, Iris, Hemerocallis, Narcis- Hoevenen (near Antwerp) - Belgium

Vervoort Guy vaste planten - Nursery specialised in: Peonies, Papaver, Delphinium, rare perrenials - Narcis- Kapellen (near Antwerp)

Verwaest Linda, small nusery with rare perrennials - Mol Sluis- Belgium

Vlaams Zaadhuis- postordercompany seeds - catalogue online - webshop-- Waarschoot -Belgium

Willy Sanen - Nursery nice and rare hardy plants, good range - Laakdal Vorst (Belgium )


Achillea millefolium -info &pics

Agapanthus info & pictures

Aster - autum flowers - pics

Astilbe info & pictures





Marsh and Aquatic plants



Exotic Plants

Ornamental shrubs




Christmas Trees



Rose Gardens in Belgium

Perennial Gardens in Belgium

Dahlia info & pictures

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Echinacea info & pictures

Geranium info & pictures

Hemerocallis info & pictures

Visit the beautiful gardens of Belgium and Holland - info on opening hours and admission prices : click here

Hosta info & pictures

Persicaria info & pictures

Phlox info & pictures

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Thalictrum- info & pictures


Clematis - picture : 'Bees Jubilee'

Iris Germanica Peach Jam


WILLAERT WHOLESALE - PROFESSIONAL NURSERY more than 5000 varieties on permanent stock - 10 ha of sales area - only professionals can buy - Online order system - Own transportation. click here

Perennials photo gallery: our favorites.

20 years ago, perennials for many of us a great unknown. Today they enjoy the absolute preference of many plant lovers. They are used in numerous planting plans of both private and public gardens.

Belgium enjoys an excellent reputation abroad and many of our plants, then find their way into other European countrie

Photogalery : click here



tal van schitterende tuinen in binnen -en buitenland zetten ieder jaar hun deuren op voor de bezoekers

Tal van schitterende tuinen in binnen -en buitenland zetten ieder jaar hun deuren op voor de bezoekers


item10b Hardy plants Shrubs Roses